How do I check my company name is available?
For over 20 years, we've been helping thousands of new businesses register their company names. Use the search tool above to get started.
The company registration process is simple and can be completed within one business day.
To get started enter the name you want to register into our company name search tool and we will instantly check the 5 million names already registered to tell you if the name you want to is available to register!
It only takes a few seconds for us to run a search and you'll see a screen like this:
Registering your company name is a pivotal first step in your entrepreneurial journey.
At The Company Warehouse, we’re committed to making this process seamless and stress-free. Contact us today for personalized assistance and get your business off to a great start!.
We make registering company names easy.
To secure a company name it must be registered with Companies House who are the relevant government department in the UK.
We'll take care of that.
We are also register domain names so we check if the domain name is also available for you to register with your company.
You can learn about the complete process for setting up a limited company in our guide.
Why Register Your Company Name?
1. Legal Protection: Registering your company name is essential for protecting your brand and ensuring that no other business can operate under the same name.
2. Professional Image: A registered company name boosts your business's credibility, showing clients and partners that you're a serious and established entity.
3. Financial Benefits: Registered businesses often find it easier to access business banking, grants, and funding opportunities.
Steps to Register Your Company Name
1. Choose a Unique Name: Your company name should be distinctive and not too similar to existing registered names. Use our free Company Name Checker tool to verify availability. Need some inspiration? Check out our guide on ideas for company names.
2. Check Name Restrictions: Certain words and phrases are restricted or need special permissions. Refer to our detailed guide on name restrictions for more information.
3. Decide on Your Company Structure: Whether you’re registering as a Sole Trader, Limited Company, or Partnership, each has different implications for your company name registration.
4. Prepare Necessary Documents: Depending on your business structure, prepare the appropriate documents, like Articles of Association for limited companies.
5. Register with Companies House: Complete the registration process through Companies House, either online or via postal methods. We can guide you through each step.
Need Help?
If you have any questions or would like to speak to one of our professional consultants about which package is best for you then please call or email us today, we are here to help.
Call: 0800 0828 727