Community Interest Company Registration (CIC)

Hassle-free Service to Register your CIC.

Don't get overwhelmed with the complexities of registering your CIC with both Companies House and the CIC Regulator.

Let our friendly team take care of the whole process from start to finish!

Our CIC Registration Service Includes:

  • Initial telephone consultation to establish the scope and activities of your CIC.
  • Guidance on the Community Interest Test
  • Drafting of "Asset Lock"
  • Drafting of "Community Interest Statement"
  • Drafting the Articles of Association for a CIC
  • Registration With Companies House and The CIC Regulator
  • We deal with all enquiries from the Community Interest Company Regulator and draft responses on your behalf
  • Digital Copies of Your Memorandum & Articles of Association
  • Digital Copy of Your Certificate Of Incorporation
  • FREE My Company Warehouse login
    Fee Breakdown:
    Our fees: £162.49
    VAT: £32.50
    Government Filing Fees: £65.00

CIC registration options:

The following services are available where the needs of your CIC registration dictate they are necessary.

  • Drafting of fund raising policy in support of your application (£POA)
  • Drafting a policy on distribution of Bursaries and awards (£POA)
£ 259.99 inc VAT

What is a Community Interest Company?

A Limited Company set-up for the good of the community is deemed to be a Community Interest Company. Profits made by the business are reinvested for the benefit of the community.

Community Interest Companies are less strictly regulated than charities and have more flexibility in their operations. However, they need to fulfill the "community interest test" to show that they are carrying out business for the benefit of the community.

Why Start a Community Interest Company?

If you are planning to start a company which might benefit the community by the distribution of profit (e.g. charity shops) or active involvement in the community (e.g. day centres for the elderly or special needs) then a Community Interest Company is the perfect legal entity.

A Community Interest Company is simply a standard limited company carrying out a social activity. They are of great benefit to the community and the Country as a whole.

Benefiting The Community

A Community Interest Company is required by law to act in a way which benefits the community and not in a way which would solely benefit a single individual.

This is ensured by the use of specific company articles drafted during registration preventing any of the company assets or profits being used in a way which is not in accordance with this purpose.

Community Interest Company Registration

£259.99 inc VAT